Why You Need an Experienced Commercial Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Technician
Managing a building can be stressful. Especially when things break down. Costly repairs, complaints, and undue aggravation can loom up before you in the face of needed commercial heating and air conditioning repairs.
While emergency repairs can be a source of aggravation, they do have one silver lining. They allow you to assess whether you should repair or replace a faulty unit. If your facility is operating an inefficient system, chances are you’re more prone to costly repairs. Energy bills will be higher, and what’s more, with an inefficient system you could even be causing damage to other components of your HVAC system. Not good.
But rather than leaping to the conclusion that the entire system needs to be replaced, you need to know your options. An experienced commercial heating and air conditioning repair technician can help you understand your alternatives and come to an effective decision.
By weighing energy bills and servicing costs for your existing system versus a newer, high efficiency heating and cooling system, you can come to the smart choice for the needs of your particular building.
Why It’s Important to Quickly Respond to HVAC Issues
When operating and maintaining a facility, it’s vital to establish or reinforce standard operating and maintenance procedures, and to respond quickly to any abnormalities in the system. Leaks, floods, and other accidents can lead to significant indoor air quality problems if left unchecked.
Biological and chemical contaminants can leach into a building and cause illness, respiratory problems, and other side effects. Exposure to indoor air pollutants over time can morph into serious diseases if left untreated.
Since an HVAC system includes all of the equipment used to ventilate, heat and cool a building, the system can have an enormous impact on how pollutants are distributed and removed. As air is moved around a building through ductwork, and since an HVAC system incorporates air filters as part of its desing, a healthy HVAC system leads to a healthy building. This in turn leads to healthier occupants.
Responding quickly to an HVAC problem and calling your commercial heating and air conditioning repair technician at the first sign of trouble can avoid more onerous problems down the line. An experienced repair technician will be able to inform you of where the problem lies and repair the situation before it gets out of hand.
If you suspect an issue with building air quality, or hear or see any other abnormalities, it is vital that you get the equipment checked out. In some faulty systems, HVAC systems can even act as a source of a pollutant such as in the case of contaminated ventilation air filters, or uncontrolled moisture in air ducts. In other cases, delaying repairs can lead to seriously compromised indoor air quality and the breakdown of other components of your system.
What Should You – the Person in Charge of a Building – Pay Close Attention To?
Proper indoor air quality management must include attention to the design of the ventilation system. In installing an HVAC system, the projected number of people and amount of equipment in a building are taken into consideration. If this changes, the HVAC system may need to be modified so as to best serve its purpose. In fact, the air delivery capacity of an HVAC system is based partly on the function of the facility. Will the space be used to house equipment? Storage for products? Or a place for employees to work?
If any of the projected functions of the facility change, your HVAC system needs to be considered. A storage area that is converted to a space for workers, for example, needs to be assessed so as to determine whether the air delivery system is sufficient for that purpose and modified accordingly, if needed.
Areas such as stairwells, elevator shafts, wall spaces, and utility chases also need to be paid attention to since pollutants can spread through these pathways. They can also affect the overall functioning of the HVAC system.
What About Outside Air Supply?
The outside air supply also needs to be adequate. An external air supply dilutes pollutants indoors that are released by equipment, building materials, products, furnishings, and people. Outdoor air pollutants should also be taken into consideration and properly installed and maintained air filters need to be in place if indoor air quality is to be controlled properly.
Know the source of exhaust fumes from loading docks or garages so that if this changes, you can inform your HVAC repair technician. Construction areas, renovations, remodelling and pest control, as well as designated smoking areas are also all areas to be aware of. These potential pollutant sources should be managed and the heating and air conditioning system should be able to accommodate these issues. A qualified commercial heating and air conditioning technician will know the best way to deal with these issues.
Simple Overlooked Factors in the Delivery of Optimal Air Supply
An overlooked feature of managing and maintaining your HVAC system the way it was intended is to pay close attention to the placement of equipment and furniture. Placing heat generating equipment, such as a computer, directly by an HVAC control device such as a thermometer can affect the amount of cool air that is delivered into the room. When the sensor registers that the space is warm, the HVAC system will deliver cool air, or shut down the heat to that area of the facility. This can result in less than ideal indoor climate control.
Partitions that block air supply or return air registers can also affect the optimal functioning of the system. Again, a well qualified HVAC technician can spot these issues and advise you as to the correct positioning of equipment and furniture so that air flow is not compromised.
Communicate with Occupants
When you communicate with actual users of your facility about heating and air conditioning, you may be surprised to learn about how the building’s system is doing. In turn, take the opportunity to educate tenants and occupants about their role in keeping the system functioning optimally. For example, explain to them the importance of keeping furniture and equipment away from HVAC components so that air supply is kept at the level it was designed to deliver.
By listening to any of their commercial heating and air conditioning concerns, you can record these issues as part of the building log. Keeping a record of reported discomforts, issues or health complaints that may be related to the facility’s heating and air conditioning system can be used later to aid in solving indoor air-related problems. A professional commercial heating and air conditioning repair technician can review these issues, which could assist in correctly diagnosing and repairing problems, particularly if there is a pattern to the complaints.
To work with a reputable and professional commercial heating and air conditioning repair technician who can help you with all of heating and air conditioning issues, call SD ATLAS HVAC. For quality care and professional service, we can help with diagnosing and ultimately fixing any of your commercial heating and air conditioning issues.